Edward A. Murphy

Edward A. Murphy

Biography Edward A. Murphy (1918-1990)

Engineer working on Air Force Project MX981

Was born on 11 jan 1918.
Died on 17 jul 1990, at 72 years old.
Origin country United States
Quotes by Edward A. Murphy
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Quotes Edward A. Murphy

Edward A. Murphy

Never sleep with anyone crazier than yourself.

Quote by Edward A. Murphy about love, sleep
Edward A. Murphy

When you are convinced everything works just fine you are...

Quote by Edward A. Murphy
Edward A. Murphy

Everything is a good idea till you mother finds out and...

Quote by Edward A. Murphy about mother, idea, good, good luck
Edward A. Murphy

To know much sleep less.

Quote by Edward A. Murphy about sleep

Quotes by Edward A. Murphy, themes

Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Ability Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Absolute Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Action Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Advice Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Affair Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Age Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Air Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Aircraft Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Animals Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Army Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Art Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Attack Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Attention Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Authority Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Bad Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Bad luck Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Bankers Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Beauty Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Beginning Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Being Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Bills Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Blind Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Blood Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Body Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Books Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Boredom Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Brain Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Cars Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Celebrity Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Chance Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Change Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Chaos Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Character Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Children Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Christmas Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about City Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Civilization Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Clothes Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Comedy Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Commerce Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Common sense Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Companies Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Complexity Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Computers Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Concentration Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Conduct Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Confusion Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Conversation Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Corruption Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Country Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Couple Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Cowboys Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Crime Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Criminals Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Criticism Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Culture Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Customers Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Dance Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Dark Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Day Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Death Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Delusion Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Destiny Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Destruction Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Difficulties Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Disaster Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Doubt Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Drinking Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Drugs Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Duty Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Earth Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Education Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Employers Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about End Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Enemies Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Error Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Essential Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Events Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Example Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Excess Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Expectation Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Experience Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Eyes Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Face Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Failure Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Faith Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Fall Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Family Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Fasting Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Fear Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Feelings Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Fiction Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Fight Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Film Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Fire Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Fire Brigade Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Flight Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Food Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Force Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Forgetness Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Games Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Garden Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Genius Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Gifts Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about God Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Good Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Good luck Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Greed Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Habits Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Happiness Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Hate Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Haven Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Heads Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Heart Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Hell Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Help Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Heredity Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Heroism Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Hierarchy Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about History Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Holidays Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Home Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Hope Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about House Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Human imperfections Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Humor Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Husband Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Idea Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Ideal Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Identity Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Ignorance Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Imagination Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Immortality Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Impossible Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Infinite Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Injustice Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Innocence Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Insects Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Inspiration Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Instinct Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Insults Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Intelligence Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Intention Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Interest Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Internet Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Invention Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Irony Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Joke Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Joy Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Judges Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Justice Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Kiss Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Knowledge Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Language Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Law Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Leadership Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Lie Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Life Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Light Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Limits Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Logic Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Lotto Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Love Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Magic Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Man Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Marriage Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Mathematics Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Medicine Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Meetings Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Memory Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Mind Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Miracle Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Mistake Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Moment Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Money Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Moon Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Moral Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Mother Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Music Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Name Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Nation Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Nature Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Need Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Night Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Nothing Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Numbers Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Oath Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Objects Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Old Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Olderness Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Opinion Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Optimism Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Order Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Originality Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Pain Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Parents Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Past Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Patience Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Peace Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about People Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Perfection Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Pets Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Philosophy Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Photography Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Physics Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Pleasure Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Poets Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Police Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Politics Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Poverty Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Power Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Pray Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Present Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Press Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Problems Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Progress Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Promise Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Proudness Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Public Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Punctuality Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Purpose Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Quality Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Question Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Quiet Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Rain Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Real Estate Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Reason Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Reliability Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Religion Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Research Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Respect Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Responsability Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Revolution Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Rightness Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Rocks Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Rules Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Safety Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Salary Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about School Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Season Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Security Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Seduction Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Self-control Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Sense Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Sex Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Sky Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Sleep Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Smile Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Smoke Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Society Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Speed Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Sport Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Spring Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about State Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Stores Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Students Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Stupidity Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Succes Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Suffering Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Sun Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Survival Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Talking Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Teachers Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Teaching Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Technology Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Television Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Tenants Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Tests Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Things Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Thinking Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Time Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Tools Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Trains Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Truth Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Unforeseen Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Univers Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Use Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Value Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Vice Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Victory Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Violence Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Vision Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Voice Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Wanderer Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about War Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Water Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Wealth Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Weather Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Wife Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Wine Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Wisdom Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Wish Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Woman Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Word Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Work Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Workers Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about World Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Worry Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Writers Quotes by Edward A. Murphy about Writing