Dictionary, Encyclopaedia
Dictionary literary terminology, Literary encyclopedia, Terms, Explanation of termsBigot
A bigot is a person who exhibits intolerance, bigotry or prejudice against opinions, beliefs, religions, races, sexes or groups different from his own. A bigot usually has very rigid views and refuses to accept or respect the views and beliefs of...
Zenrin-kushū is a collection of Japanese Zen poems compiled in the 15th century by the Zen monk Sōchō. The title roughly translates to "Collection of Words Near Zen" and includes hundreds of verses and aphorisms used in Zen practice, meant to...
Right measure
The right measure of a person is his word. (DE: Der richtige Maßstab eines Menschen ist sein Wort.)

Bovarism is the term that denotes a person's state of discontent towards its own existence, constructing a fictitious personality to match his ideals. This alter ego of the person functions as a protection from too cruel world for which is not...

A priori - a posteriori
A priori - the term means before any experience, independent from any experience, from the earlier. This term is in close relationship with its opposite a posteriori , from experience, from the later. Both expressions are used in Philosophy and...

Phoenix bird
Quite often we hear around us being used the expression - "Reborn from the ashes as the Phoenix bird" and perhaps many times, we fail to make the connection between the depicted situation and expression – Phoenix bird. The word originates in the...
Corpus delicti
Corpus delicti is Latin phrase translated as "the body of crime", term used in jurisprudence which refers to the principle according to which it must be proven that a crime has occurred before a person can be convicted of committing that crime....
Carpe Diem
Carpe diem is an expression from a Latin poem by written by Horace used as an aphorism. It is popularly translated as - seize the day. Carpe literally means: to pick, pluck, pluck off, cull, crop, gather. The expression belongs to the lyric: Carpe...
Ars longa, vita brevis
Ars longa, vita brevis are the first two lines of a Latin translation of an aphorism written by ancient Greek physician, Hippocrates. The words are referring to art of practicing medicine, acquired in a lifetime. The word - art is interpreted as a...
Ad litteram
Ad litteram is a Latin expression used for reproducing with accuracy a text, word by word. The expression is frequently used in literature when using quotations belonging to differnt authors, the notation being the text was reproduced ad litteram.
Ad hoc, adunari ad hoc, unirea 1859
Ad hoc is a Latin phrase meaning -for this and signifies a solution created for a specific problem or task, is not a general solution adaptable to other issues or purposes. The expression is used when referring to organizations, committees, and...
Alter ego
Alter ego is a Latin expression meaning a second self, a second personality or persona within a person. The term started to be frequently used in early nineteenth century when dissociative identity disorder was first described by psychologists. An...
Acta non verba
Latin expression used for highlighting the importance of someone s deeds in order to classify her or him as a trust worthy, reliable person, possessor of important human qualities. An equivalent Romanian proverb is the following: The more we...