Famous quotes

Great Quotes from Great Minds: Famous quotes from all times and from all over the world, with different themes, written by famous authors.
Kim Ung-Yong

I’m trying to tell people that I am happy the way I am....

Quote by Kim Ung-Yong about happiness
Albert Einstein

Everything that men do or think concerns the satisfaction...

Quote by Albert Einstein about thinking
Albert Einstein

I have only two rules which I regard as principles of...

Quote by Albert Einstein about rules
Albert Einstein

Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character.

Quote by Albert Einstein about weakness, thinking
Albert Einstein

One may say “the eternal mystery of the world is its...

Quote by Albert Einstein about thinking
Albert Einstein

I take it to be true that pure thought can grasp the...

Quote by Albert Einstein about thinking
Albert Einstein

Although I am a typical loner in daily life, my...

Quote by Albert Einstein about wisdom, solitude, thinking
Albert Einstein

I believe that whatever we do or live for has its...

Quote by Albert Einstein about wisdom
Albert Einstein

Everyone sits in the prison of his own ideas. He must...

Quote by Albert Einstein about idea, science
Albert Einstein

Why does this magnificent applied science which saves...

Quote by Albert Einstein about science
Albert Einstein

Science can flourish only in an atmosphere of free speech.

Quote by Albert Einstein about science
Albert Einstein

I never think of the future. It comes soon enough.

Quote by Albert Einstein about life
Albert Einstein

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you...

Quote by Albert Einstein about life
Albert Einstein

Perfection of means and confusion of goals seem, in my...

Quote by Albert Einstein about perfection
Albert Einstein

Blind obedience to authority is the greatest enemy of truth.

Quote by Albert Einstein about truth
Albert Einstein

A happy man is too satisfied with the present to dwell...

Quote by Albert Einstein about happiness
Albert Einstein

Much reading after a certain age diverts the mind too...

Quote by Albert Einstein about wisdom
Albert Einstein

I believe the main task of the spirit is to free man from...

Quote by Albert Einstein about spirit
William Blake

Think in the morning. Act in the noon. Eat in the...

Quote by William Blake about philosophy, sleep, night
Henry Ford

Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is...

Quote by Henry Ford about succes, progress, beginning
Robert Louis Stevenson

Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the...

Quote by Robert Louis Stevenson about judgment, judges, day, contentment
Samuel Beckett

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.

Quote by Samuel Beckett about advice
Anne Frank

Whoever is happy will make others happy too.

Quote by Anne Frank about happiness
Simone de Beauvoir

Change your life today. Don't gamble on the future, act...

Quote by Simone de Beauvoir about future, change, life

Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.

Quote by Aristotel about love, soul
St. Francis Of Assisi

Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace. Where there is...

Quote by St. Francis Of Assisi about peace, love
Albert Camus

Blessed are the hearts that can bend; they shall never be...

Quote by Albert Camus about love
Marcus Aurelius

Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all...

Quote by Marcus Aurelius about happiness, thinking, life
Jane Austen

There is no charm equal to tenderness of heart.

Quote by Jane Austen about charm, heart
Mark Twain

The secret of getting ahead is getting started.

Quote by Mark Twain about advice, secret
Ernest Hemingway

Man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but...

Quote by Ernest Hemingway about defeat, man
Satchel Paige

Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've...

Quote by Satchel Paige about advice, work, dance, money, need, contentment, love
Thomas Paine

The World is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and...

Quote by Thomas Paine about world, religion, country, good, good luck
Norman Vincent Peale

Change your thoughts and you change your world.

Quote by Norman Vincent Peale about change, world, contentment
François-Marie Arouet de Voltaire

God gave us the gift of life, it is up to us to give...

Quote by François-Marie Arouet de Voltaire about god, gifts, life
Walt Disney

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to...

Quote by Walt Disney about dream, courage
Theodore Roosevelt

Believe you can and you're halfway there.

Quote by Theodore Roosevelt about ambition, faith, contentment
George Orwell

Happiness can exist only in acceptance.

Quote by George Orwell about happiness
Charlie Chaplin

To help a friend in need is easy, but to give him your...

Quote by Charlie Chaplin about friendship, help, need, time
Mag. Cornelia Klappacher

The ability to love truly and innocuous is a more mature...

Quote by Mag. Cornelia Klappacher about evolution, ability, people, love, life

If you love someone, set him or her free. If will return,...

Quote by Confucius about contentment, love
Alan Curtis Kay

enjoy your life today because yesterday has gone and...

Quote by Alan Curtis Kay about life
Walt Disney

The difference between winning and losing is most often...

Quote by Walt Disney about sport
Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu

In the world talent means nothing without character.

Quote by Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu about talent, character, nothing, world
Galileo Galilei

Where the senses fail us, reason must step in.

Quote by Galileo Galilei about reason
Jean Paul

Too much trust is a foolishness, too much distrust a...

Quote by Jean Paul about reliability, tragedy
Carl Sandburg

Nothing happens unless is first a dream.

Quote by Carl Sandburg about dream, nothing
Emil Cioran

Man is the shortest way between life and death.

Quote by Emil Cioran about people, death, man, life
Edward A. Murphy

If you believe a relationship can't work, but feel the...

Quote by Edward A. Murphy about love, need, faith, work, contentment
Immanuel Kant

Someone's intelligence can be measured by the quantity of...

Quote by Immanuel Kant about intelligence
Salvador Dali

Intelligence without ambition is like a bird without wings.

Quote by Salvador Dali about intelligence, ambition
Dumitru Găleşanu

Literary temponaut from the rebellious worlds of man, I...

Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about word
Dumitru Găleşanu

From the point of view of light, nothing can reach its...

Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about light
Dumitru Găleşanu

Love had nestled in our souls, facing the hostile...

Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about infinite
Dumitru Găleşanu

Eternally yours, unified with you I am – sidereal blood...

Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about blood
Dumitru Găleşanu

For as much as I could, I tried to shut up about the two...

Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about eternity
Dumitru Găleşanu

When sense is the aim in the knowledge of being: the way,...

Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about philosophy
Dumitru Găleşanu

There are no limits for the thought which is born in a...

Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about love

Mag. Cornelia Klappacher

The ability to love truly and innocuous is a more mature...

Quote by Mag. Cornelia Klappacher about evolution, ability, people, love, life
Mag. Cornelia Klappacher

The human being of the fast time is like a letterbox....

Quote by Mag. Cornelia Klappacher about people, fasting, human imperfections, being, time
Costel Zăgan

Every silence performs its own swan song.

Quote by Costel Zăgan about silence
Mag. Cornelia Klappacher

It is not enough to think, you have to act accordingly,...

Quote by Mag. Cornelia Klappacher about dream, contentment
Woody Allen

Marriage is the death of hope.

Quote by Woody Allen about marriage, hope, death

Man is naturally a political animal.

Quote by Aristotel about people, man
Vasile Alecsandri

Language is the book of nobility of a nation.

Quote by Vasile Alecsandri about language, nation
Ion Pachia-Tatomirescu

Love is like Water: within a Great Fire it evaporates...

Quote by Ion Pachia-Tatomirescu about love, water, fire, fire brigade
Mag. Cornelia Klappacher

The ability to love truly and innocuous is a more mature...

Quote by Mag. Cornelia Klappacher about evolution, ability, people, love, life
Mag. Cornelia Klappacher

The human being of the fast time is like a letterbox....

Quote by Mag. Cornelia Klappacher about people, fasting, human imperfections, being, time
Nicolae Steinhardt

The truth sets us free.

Quote by Nicolae Steinhardt about truth
Ion Pachia-Tatomirescu

Love is like Water: within a Great Fire it evaporates...

Quote by Ion Pachia-Tatomirescu about love, water, fire, fire brigade