Murphy's laws about Tests
14 quotes by Edward A. Murphy about tests
Edward A. Murphy Engineer working on Air Force Project MX981

When reviewing your notes before an exam, the most important ones will be illegible.
Quote by Edward A. Murphy about tests

The more studying you did for the exam, the less sure you are as to which answer they want.
Quote by Edward A. Murphy about tests

Eighty percent of the final exam will be based on the one lecture you missed about the one book you didn't read.
Quote by Edward A. Murphy about tests

Pocket calculator batteries that have lasted all semester will fail during the math final.
Quote by Edward A. Murphy about tests

The examination paper is always easier when you are not taking it.
Quote by Edward A. Murphy about tests

No matter how much you study for a test you will be asked a question that you don't know.
Quote by Edward A. Murphy about tests

When you study for easy tests is when you fail miserably, but when you don't study for the hard ones, it's when you pass with 100%.
Quote by Edward A. Murphy about tests

After years of training without a single injury, you will pull a groin muscle the night before your black belt exam.
Quote by Edward A. Murphy about tests

No matter how many times you take care of it before your promotion exam, you will invariably have to go to the bathroom when it's your turn.
Quote by Edward A. Murphy about tests

After a concert, parents rave about the pop selection played and say nothing about the test piece.
Quote by Edward A. Murphy about tests