Famous quotes, Poems, Folklore, Cenacle

Events of the day 7 March


Emperor Antoninus Pius dies and is succeeded by his adoptive sons Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus.


Roman subjects in the province of Africa revolt against Maximinus Thrax and elect Gordian I as emperor.


Emperor Constantine I decrees that the dies Solis Invicti (sun-day) is the day of rest in the Empire.


Stephen Tempier, bishop of Paris, condemns 219 philosophical and theological theses.

Joseph Maurice Ravel1875:

Was born Joseph Maurice Ravel.

John Herschel1792:

Was born John Herschel.

Daniel D. Palmer1845:

Was born Daniel D. Palmer.

Alessandro Manzoni1785:

Was born Alessandro Manzoni.

Toma de Aquino1274:

Has died Toma de Aquino.

Gordon Parks2006:

Has died Gordon Parks.


Has died Saint Thomas Aquinas.


Has died Paramahansa Yogananda.

see all events of the day

Spring quotes

Harriet Jacobs

The beautiful spring came, and when nature resumes her...

Quote by Harriet Jacobs about spring

Spring will come and so will happiness. Hold on. Life...

Quote by Anita Krizzan about spring
Reginald Heber

Spring unlocks the flowers to paint the laughing soil.

Quote by Reginald Heber about spring
Algernon Charles Swinburne

Blossom by blossom the spring begins.

Quote by Algernon Charles Swinburne about spring
Honoré de Balzac

If those who are the enemies of innocent amusements had...

Quote by Honoré de Balzac about spring, enemies, youth, human imperfections, world, life
George Gordon Byron

Man is born passionate of body, but with an innate though...

Quote by George Gordon Byron about atoms, spring, present, help, body, secret, mind, god, good, good luck
Jim Fowler

We moved over to Silver Spring, actually near University...

Quote by Jim Fowler about spring
Ernest Hemingway

The only thing that could spoil a day was people. People...

Quote by Ernest Hemingway about spring, happiness, people, things, day, good, good luck
Rogers Hornsby

People ask me what i do in the winter when there's no...

Quote by Rogers Hornsby about spring
Christina Georgina Rossetti

Spring is when life's alive in everything.

Quote by Christina Georgina Rossetti about spring

I suppose the best kind of spring morning is the best...

Quote by Dodie Smith about spring

Spring will come and so will happiness. Hold on. Life...

Quote by Anita Krizzan about spring

Famous quotes

Joseph Maurice Ravel

Music, I feel, must be emotional first and intellectual...

Quote by Joseph Maurice Ravel about music
Daniel D. Palmer

Man is a physical and spiritual epitome of the Universe.

Quote by Daniel D. Palmer about man
Luther Burbank

Flowers always make people better, happier, and more...

Quote by Luther Burbank about flowers, medicine, food, soul, people
Daniel D. Palmer

The advancement of all sciences, especially where there...

Quote by Daniel D. Palmer about science, change
Kim Ung-Yong

I’m trying to tell people that I am happy the way I am....

Quote by Kim Ung-Yong about happiness
Albert Einstein

Everything that men do or think concerns the satisfaction...

Quote by Albert Einstein about thinking
Albert Einstein

I have only two rules which I regard as principles of...

Quote by Albert Einstein about rules
Albert Einstein

Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character.

Quote by Albert Einstein about weakness, thinking
William Blake

Think in the morning. Act in the noon. Eat in the...

Quote by William Blake about philosophy, sleep, night
Henry Ford

Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is...

Quote by Henry Ford about succes, progress, beginning
Robert Louis Stevenson

Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the...

Quote by Robert Louis Stevenson about judgment, judges, day, contentment
Samuel Beckett

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.

Quote by Samuel Beckett about advice

Famous authors

Authors photo gallery


Writing: poems, songs.

Categories / Writings

And If...

And if the branches tap my pane
And the poplars whisper nightly,
It is to make me dream again
I hold you to me tightly.
And if the stars shine on the pond
And light its sombre shoal,
It is to quench my mind's despond
And flood with...

Mihai EminescuPoems by Mihai Eminescu about contentment, peace, mind, celebrity, stars, dream, heart, moon, soul, light

Another kind of Mathematics

We know that one times one is one,
but an unicorn times a pear
have no idea what it is.
We know that five minus four is one
but a cloud minus a sailboat
have no idea what it is.
We know that eight
divided by eight is one,
but a...

Sign 12

Little by little she became a word,
bundles of soul on the wind,
a dolphin in the clutches of my eyebrows,
a stone provoking rings in water,
a star inside my knww,
a sky inside my shoulder,
and I inside I.

Nichita StănescuPoems by Nichita Stănescu about word, water, soul, celebrity, sky

Ode (in ancient meter)

Hardly had I thought I should learn to perish;
Ever young, enwrapped in my robe I wandered,
Raising dreamy eyes to the star styled often
Solitude's symbol.

All at once, however, you crossed my pathway -
Suffering - you, painfully...

Mihai EminescuPoems by Mihai Eminescu about contentment, old, sadness, symbol, eyes, solitude, hope, suffering, being, thinking


Right words said by the forefathers folklore: proverbs and old sayings, traditions and superstitions, spells and incantations, traditional songs, riddles, carols.

He who builds a house in the market-place, builds either too high or too low.

Proverbs and old sayings Italian about stores, home, house

Learning makes some into Mullahs and some into devils.

Proverbs and old sayings Afghan about devil

Rivalry between scholars improves science.

Proverbs and old sayings Indochinese about science

Economize now or suffer want later.

Proverbs and old sayings Indochinese about suffering

Happiness is to hold flowers in both hands.

Proverbs and old sayings Japanese about happiness

There are 3 simple rules in life:
- don't promise when you're happy,
- don't answer when you're nervous,
- don't decide when you're angry.

Proverbs and old sayings British about life, rules, promise, happiness, contentment

Man's law changes with his understanding of man. Only the laws of the spirit remain always the same.

Proverbs and old sayings Croatian about spirit, law, man

Who came back from the grave and told the story?

Proverbs and old sayings Tunisian

Traditional Irish Curse

Spells and incantations Irish

Traditional Wexford Curse

Spells and incantations British

What grows when it eats, but dies when it drinks?



If the pills were pleasant, they would not want gilding.

Proverbs and old sayings American

Literary cenacle

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Dictionary, Enciclopedia

Dictionary literary terminology, Literary encyclopedia, Terms, Explanation of terms

A priori - a posteriori

A priori - a posteriori

A priori - the term means before any experience, independent from any experience, from the earlier. This term is in close relationship with its opposite a posteriori , from experience, from the later. Both expressions are used in Philosophy and...



Bovarism is the term that denotes a person's state of discontent towards its own existence, constructing a fictitious personality to match his ideals. This alter ego of the person functions as a protection from too cruel world for which is not...

Phoenix bird

Phoenix bird

Quite often we hear around us being used the expression - "Reborn from the ashes as the Phoenix bird" and perhaps many times, we fail to make the connection between the depicted situation and expression – Phoenix bird. The word originates in the...