Murphy's laws about Contentment
685 quotes by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
Edward A. Murphy Engineer working on Air Force Project MX981

Mothers only offer advice on two occasions: when you want it and when you don't.
Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment

It's not the one with your name on it; it's the one addressed “to whom it may concern” you've got to think about.
Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment

The enemy never monitors your radio frequency until you broadcast on an unsecured channel.
Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment

Sex is like snow; you never know how many inches you are going to get or how long it is going to last.
Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment

The nicer someone is, the farther away (s)he is from you.
Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment

The amount of love someone feels for you is inversely proportional to how much you love them.
Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment

Money can't buy love, but it sure gets you a great bargaining position.
Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment

Availability is a function of time. The minute you get interested is the minute they find someone else.
Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment

The more beautiful the woman is who loves you, the easier it is to leave her with no hard feelings.
Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment

No matter how many times you've had it, if it's offered take it, because it'll never be quite the same again.
Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment

Sex appeal is 50% what you've got and 50% what people think you've got.
Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment

Sex is hereditary. If your parents never had it, chances are you won't either.
Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment

Before you find your handsome prince, you've got to kiss a lot of frogs.
Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment

You cannot produce a baby in one month by impregnating nine women.
Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment

Never lie down with a woman who's got more troubles than you.
Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment

It's always easier to get a partner if you already have one.
Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment