To help a friend in need is easy, but to give him your time is not always opportune.Quote by Charlie Chaplin about friendship, help, need, time
The ability to love truly and innocuous is a more mature stage of development of some person. This unfolds the multidimensional life meaning.Quote by Mag. Cornelia Klappacher about evolution, ability, people, love, life
If you love someone, set him or her free. If will return, belongs to you. If won't return, ever belong to you.Quote by Confucius about contentment, love
enjoy your life today because yesterday has gone and tomorrow may never come...Quote by Alan Curtis Kay about life
In the world talent means nothing without character.Quote by Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu about talent, character, nothing, world
Too much trust is a foolishness, too much distrust a tragedy.Quote by Jean Paul about reliability, tragedy
If you believe a relationship can't work, but feel the need to try, it won't.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about love, need, faith, work, contentment
Someone's intelligence can be measured by the quantity of uncertainties taht he can bear.Quote by Immanuel Kant about intelligence
Intelligence without ambition is like a bird without wings.Quote by Salvador Dali about intelligence, ambition
Literary temponaut from the rebellious worlds of man, I carry with me the words of the triad of the saints and the full grace of life dewy through words.Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about word
From the point of view of light, nothing can reach its speed, no body in motion, nothing but the light.Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about light
Love had nestled in our souls, facing the hostile emptiness beyond time.Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about infinite
Eternally yours, unified with you I am – sidereal blood of mine!Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about blood
For as much as I could, I tried to shut up about the two of us, but the being of silence: wrote a poem on the same virtual sheet of paper.Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about eternity
When sense is the aim in the knowledge of being: the way, what’s the use of the poets without the common sense of the measure?Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about philosophy
There are no limits for the thought which is born in a wonderful way and aspires to the fact-of-the-being-in-the-world. The real clock of life which is the very-fact-of-the-being-in-the-being.Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about love
Doubt remains the most certain act-of learning in-the world, an answer to a question for my thoughtful hand.Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about infinite
In the conscious world of the form – creation, they say: would have gotten consistency according to the Being’s pattern like a cosmic Creation in the Self revelation.Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about word
under the specific gravity of the vague nerve-of love – a dual structure: you and me – a cosmic vibration: a pure music.Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about philosophy
In the beginning, before space-and-time there came radiation, an embryo of energy-matter smaller than the needle-point – incredibly compact-and-hot, a formless and numberless singularity.Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about word
In the green habitat of nature there are no distances in time, full of life ideas beat freely – quintessences of plural things, signs-images-avatars surprise me blooming in the equinox of measure.Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about philosophy
Up to where can the eye of the sight penetrate from its depths into this reality?Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about philosophy
The kinetic orthodoxy – or otherwise: the paradoxism of the saying of Being’s of-what-is «the being in itself» in the breathing of creation.Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about infinite
In the obscure hollow of the being, the knowledge of the being borders on the Being.Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about philosophy
Words are reborn and die – through the inner law of their origin, from behind their eyes, their forehead and mouth, just like some vivid, primordial creatures: sprightly…Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about word
Free from gods and other images obsolet nature – I happily spend the last moment of coming of autumn.Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about philosophy
I keep on believing into heavenly power and the art`s beauty: as being the real sky that we are breathing with tomorrow`s hope.Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about infinite
The dream is nothing else but a Being`s projection, a dimension through which the Time watches himself with a crystal eye from the eternity`s abysm.Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about love
My love is crashing under its weight, a lily-white light in the clay body.Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about love
Into gravitational reality, the move is the key stom for the understanding of the universe, and not only the space and the time measured in absolute value.Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about philosophy