And I'm working at trying to find a kind of language where I won't be so easily modulated by expectation.Quote by Kathy Acker about expectation
People want you to satisfy every possible dream or expectation they would have for a woman president... We still live at a time when a female president is controversial - even though it seems so bizarre that we've made it to the 21st century...Quote by Geena Davis about expectation
Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.Quote by Princess Diana about expectation
The disposition of a fleet, while proceeding on a voyage, will in some measure depend on particular circumstances; as the difficulty of the navigation; the necessity of dispatch, according to the urgency or importance of the expedition: or the...Quote by William Falconer about expectation
The first expectation was that I was supposed to put on weight. Then it was expected that we would lead proper lives, though there wasn't a lot of conversation about it.Quote by Peter Fonda about expectation
We love to expect, and when expectation is either disappointed or gratified, we want to be again expecting.Quote by Samuel Johnson about expectation
The first thing you'll have to do, is the last thing you wished.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about expectation
Keys dropped near an open elevator door will always fall down the crack.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about expectation
The more skilled you are at something, the worse you are at it when showing someone.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about expectation
Until the last great war, a general expectation of material improvement was an idea peculiar to Western man. Now war and its aftermath have made economic and social progress a political imperative in every quarter of the globe.Quote by Lester B. Pearson about expectation
I can imagine few things more trying to the patience than the long wasted days of waiting.Quote by Robert Falcon Scott about expectation
Expectation I'm in an expectation Only the children are passing near it playing slowly with everything existing around them from buildings ready to collapse to the most pure form of some streets surrended to wind every day. They are...Quote by Andrei Novac about expectation
This existence - final and irrevocable - is perhaps, nothing but a delayed conversation, a thoroughly delirium, docile expectation of a canceled destiny. Dissertation on body, 2010 RightWords TranslationQuote by Iulian Boldea about expectation