The availability of daycare is directly proportionate to how badly you need it.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
Your child will always wait until you are fully dressed for work before spilling their food on you.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
The later you let a child stay up at night, the earlier he will wake up in the morning.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
If you have two versions of a photo, you will send the wrong one to the printer.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
The index entry you leave out will be the first one the client looks under.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
If you purchase new equipment to read your client's disk, it will be the last disk of that type you will ever receive.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
Any movie at your local video store will always be rented out when you want to rent it yourself.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
It's when you are finally on top when everyone finds out all the bad things that you did as a teen, thus ruining your position.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
Whenever you think you might finish a 9 holes play with one ball it wouldn't.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
Whenever you think you have a clear drive over water it will ditch.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
The more people looking at you driving on the driving range, the more slicing your driving will get.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
Rain on a golf course is Gods way of telling you that you're playing too slow.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
When your workmates absolutely guarantee they'll take care of your duties while you're on vacation, they won't.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment