Leonard Cohen

Leonard Cohen

Biography Leonard Cohen (1934)

Canadian singer-songwriter, musician, poet and novelist

Also called: Leonard Norman Cohen.
Was born on 21 sep 1934.
Died on 07 nov 2016, at 82 years old.
Origin country Canada
Quotes by Leonard Cohen
wumrlvwz, 04/10/2024


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Quotes Leonard Cohen

Leonard Cohen

There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets...

Quote by Leonard Cohen about opinion, light
Leonard Cohen

I am an old scholar, better-looking now than when I was...

Quote by Leonard Cohen about opinion, old, olderness, face
Leonard Cohen

Children show scars like medals. Lovers use them as...

Quote by Leonard Cohen about opinion, word, children, use
Leonard Cohen

Poetry is just the evidence of life. If your life is...

Quote by Leonard Cohen about poetry, life