Any and all jokes will be misunderstood as insults, clues, or just plain missed.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about insults
Luck in dice rolls varies inversely with role-playing ability.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about bad luck, good luck, ability
When the players are up against the main enemy, they will instantaneously kill him with one lucky shot.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about enemies
The last man entering an elevator going up goes to the lowest floor.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about man
The first person needing to exit the elevator will always be the person farthest to the rear of the elevator.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about man, people
The chances the elevator isn't work is inversely proportional to the weight you are carrying multiplied by the number of stairs you'll have to climb.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about chance, numbers, work
A man who walks through the turnstiles backwards going to Bangkok.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about man
The squeakiness of floorboards is directly proportional to the need to remain unnoticed.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about need
Give a controversial, immoral issue, enough leeway in mainstream society, it will become the norm.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about society
You need something the most, only after you realize you've permanently lost it.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about need
Spending enough time and money, all human behavior can be psychologically explained.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about money, human imperfections, time
Everything gets worse with time except the wine. And this one, no always.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about wine, time
History is much like an endless waltz, the three beats of war, peace, and revolution continue on forever.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about revolution, peace, history, war