You will always get the greatest recognition for the job you least like.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
When confronted by a difficult problem you can solve it more easily by reducing it to the question. How would the Lone Ranger handle this?.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
When you see an item in the flyer, by the time you get to the store its either sold out or the price has doubled.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
Just when you have no cash, you are in great pain and got to the bank to find the bank computers offline.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
If you have a little extra money to blow, something will break, and cost more than that little extra.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
If you don't want it, there is plenty of it; If you really need it, they're all out of it.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
The more you like a product, the more likely it will be discontinued.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
If you are shopping to find a certain thing, no matter how simple it may be, no matter where you go, you will find every conceivable thing except that which you are looking for.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
The one time you didn't make a copy of your 1040, that's the one the IRS did not receive.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
Slog all day and no-one notices, take a 5 minute breather to play Window's Solitaire and the boss silently appears behind you.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
Never ask for a raise after you have successfully completed a project.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
If you do it right the first time, you will not be asked to resolve the problem and therefore will not be in a position to ask for a raise.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
When in trouble do what you can. If that fails try what you can't. If that fails give yourself an A for effort and run like hell with pride!Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
You pay peanuts and you get monkeys. In some organizations you pay doughnuts and you still get monkeys.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
Ament's First Law of Corporate Survival: when you see the shit is about to hit the fan, shut your mouth.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
The more complicated the job is the less time and useful information you will be given.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
If the salesperson says, all you have to do is... you know you're in trouble.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
When a customer says: It's perfect except... you know it will be necessary to rebuild the whole piece.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment