The simpler and quicker your transaction, the more complex and time-consuming the transaction of the person immediately ahead of you in the line.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
When you stand at your counter for hours on end and then go to break, that's when the customer comes and rings the bell for help.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
Any item that you want to purchase from a catalog will always be out of stock at the time you want to buy it.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
If your Check-Book and Bank-Balance Sheet agree... Re-Do-It... You Goofed Up.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
Prospective tenants who make an appointment to see your rental across town, often get kidnapped on the way there... so there was just no way they could call you.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
The hardware store closes five minutes before you get there.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
The insurance inspector always shows up to take photos of the building as you are putting the evicted tenant’s possessions on the curb.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
When a tenant calls and says: hi, how are you , something is drastically wrong.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
If you have any questions about anything, ask your tenants.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
If it is pouring rain, you can be sure the windows are open at one or more at your units.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
If the course you wanted most has room for "n" students, you will be the "n+1" to apply.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
The more studying you did for the exam, the less sure you are as to which answer they want.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
Eighty percent of the final exam will be based on the one lecture you missed about the one book you didn't read.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
If you are given an open-book exam, you will forget your book.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
At the end of the semester you will recall having enrolled in a course at the beginning of the semester and never attending.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
In your toughest final, the most distractingly attractive student in class will sit next to you for the first time.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
The one course you must take to graduate will not be offered during you last semester.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
The most valuable quotation will be the one for which you cannot determine the source.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment
The more general the title of a course, the less you will learn from it.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about contentment