Whoever wins either is already rich or has won at least once before.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about wealth
The more potential a food has for stains the greater the coverage area when it is hurled by a child.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about food, children
A child's favorite one day is never a favorite the next day especially food.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about food, day, children
The intensity of the tantrum is directly proportional to the amount of people around to witness.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about nation, people
The louder you speak and the more you repeat something is inversely proportional to the amount of information taken in.
Soccer, Dance, Basketball, Softball, Piano, Girl(Boy)Scouts is always on the same day with less then 5 minutes between.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about dance, day
The more preparation time for the meal the less likely a child is to eat it.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about children, time
As soon as the snow suit, and all of the paraphernalia that accompanies, is on the child will have to use the bathroom.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about children, use
As soon as the child is in the car and the car has left the driveway the child will have to use the bathroom.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about children, use
The clothes/shoes you bought last week will not fit this week or will not be “cool” enough for this week.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about clothes
The amount of sound from the other room is inversely proportional to the amount of trouble the child is getting into.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about problems, children
The more you paid for the car seat the more the child will hate it.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about hate, children