The elements are still four: Water, Air, Fire, Earth, and I among them, pleasing them...!Quote by Ion Pachia-Tatomirescu about water
My father - the Hydrogen, my mother - the Oxygen, I - the son of Water, the Aquarius.Quote by Ion Pachia-Tatomirescu about water
The water is like love...Next to a great fire, it evaporates...Quote by Ion Pachia-Tatomirescu about water
Water is the blood of the earth...Beware of "blood vengeance"...!Quote by Ion Pachia-Tatomirescu about water
Water is immeasurable measure of all things from our universe...Quote by Ion Pachia-Tatomirescu about water
With Water you do not gain weight, but only with the fruits of water... Give me the Water of rains and I will make all the deserts to bear fruits over night...!Quote by Ion Pachia-Tatomirescu about water
Who knows the secrets of Water - as fundamental element of Being - he is master of the universe...Quote by Ion Pachia-Tatomirescu about water
Flakes are the dreams of Water, dreams turned into reality...Quote by Ion Pachia-Tatomirescu about water
Your Fire is burning, my God, like the Fire of the heart...! The oceans can not extinguish it...Quote by Ion Pachia-Tatomirescu about water