Harold Pinter

Harold Pinter

Biography Harold Pinter (1930 - 2008)

English writer

Was born on 10 oct 1930.
Died on 24 dec 2008, at 78 years old.
Origin country United Kingdom
Quotes by Harold Pinter

Is one of the most important play writers of modern literature.
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Quotes Harold Pinter

Harold Pinter

Apart from the known and the unknown, what else is there?

Quote by Harold Pinter about opinion
Harold Pinter

A short piece of work means as much to me as a long piece...

Quote by Harold Pinter about contentment, work
Harold Pinter

I ought not to speak about the dead because the dead are...

Quote by Harold Pinter about death
Harold Pinter

Good writing excites me, and makes life worth living.

Quote by Harold Pinter about literature, writing, good, good luck, life