You will always discover errors in your work after you have printed/submitted it.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about computers
90% of a programmer errors come from data from other programmers.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about computers
Illegal Error' messages only happen when you forget to save your work.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about computers
If you make the letters in your Word document bigger and then you print it out, you'll have everything on the first page and only one line on the second.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about computers
The OEM did not actually manufacture the part you need to replaceQuote by Edward A. Murphy about computers
By the time you learn your new computer you'll need a new one.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about computers
After a software is released, the first bug found will be by a person who normally does not use that portion of the program but was wondering why he can't do something he normally would not do.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about computers
When the Downloading Window says “99% complete”, there will be a fluctuation in the voltage and you'll have to start all over again.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about computers
Millions of people believe they are animals, but I have yet to meet one that believe in Windows' stability. Even human stupidity has limits.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about computers
The troubleshooting guide contains the answer to every problem except yours.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about computers
Whenever you install a group of plugins one by one just to find out which one can make your software work, you either haven't gotten the right one, or have accidentally skipped the right one or it has become the last one installed.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about computers
No matter what problem you have with your computer - Its Always Microsoft's fault.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about computers
You will get disconnected from the Internet or experience a computer crash when you are downloading. If you don't experience one within 80% completion, then it will happen at 99%. If you do manage to get the file, then it will turn out to be...Quote by Edward A. Murphy about computers
You'll always receive an e-mail from a web site that you never visit before.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about computers
75% of the bugs laws in this page can be applied to MS Windows.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about computers
No matter how big a hard drive you buy, you'll need to double it in a year.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about computers
Complete computer breakdown will happen shortly after the maintenance person has left.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about computers
A virus will be erased when the hard drive crashes, making it useless for antivirus program to fix it.Quote by Edward A. Murphy about computers