Murphy's laws about Cars, page 4
100 quotes by Edward A. Murphy about cars
Edward A. Murphy Engineer working on Air Force Project MX981

Your snorkel is always that inch to short when it comes down to taking a dive.
Quote by Edward A. Murphy about cars

Your hub screws are always turned off when you need them to be turned to 4X4.
Quote by Edward A. Murphy about cars

Your passenger gets angry at that time, because he/she has to get out do turn them.
Quote by Edward A. Murphy about cars

If you own a 4WD and a 2WD, you'll get stuck in mud in the 2WD car.
Quote by Edward A. Murphy about cars

The better the 4X4, the further into the sand/mud/forest it will get stuck.
Quote by Edward A. Murphy about cars

Any driver in front of you will immediately lose the ability to drive their car.
Quote by Edward A. Murphy about cars

No matter the length of warranty coverage, on the day that the warranty expires the car will break down.
Quote by Edward A. Murphy about cars

At the exact moment that your car insurance lapses, the probability of being involved in an accident increases exponentially.
Quote by Edward A. Murphy about cars

Even if you never smoke, eat, or drink in your vehicle there will be mysterious stains on the carpet and/or upholstery at the time of trade in.
Quote by Edward A. Murphy about cars

If you think you have lots of time before your bus you read the timetable wrong or its out of date or both.
Quote by Edward A. Murphy about cars

If you're early the bus is late If you're late the bus was early.
Quote by Edward A. Murphy about cars

The other people at the bus stop are waiting for the bus that has just pulled in.
Quote by Edward A. Murphy about cars

If you have no change then the bus driver won't have any either.
Quote by Edward A. Murphy about cars

The customer can be thrown off the bus at any time any explanation necessary.
Quote by Edward A. Murphy about cars

The sign at the front of the bus is merely for decoration it is not the destination of the bus.
Quote by Edward A. Murphy about cars