Other than the womb through which your thought and heart flow, in the restlessness of the flesh – you will have no more!Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about heart
The Word must have left it to me resolved somewhere, crusted and forgotten – in that the light, died out for a long time of your lips` flower... in everything crumbled.Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about woman
Your woman perfume will follow the life illusion... the kiss – the dust`s taste, and the blue thought: boundless opportunity of forgetting...Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about woman
Remote lights your words were, my love: the fatal sisters – with the red blood, excessively hot!Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about love
Verwhelmed as a pain – infinite, with an eye in soul and with another in quietness...Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about soul
Disposed into light – our words used to crumble at the root of a plant that used to learn heavily to bloom.Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about light
The Ego and my oneself, I myself advancing to the place in which I rest forevermore – resolved in sky blue, and on the Way to always for “to be” – into PURE ONESELF...Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about philosophy
Should I look into the thought`s depth – a river which lightens Undeath – spend my years, and I have your face like the seaside of the wheat ears: an icon that it steals my everything time!Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about eternity
I devoted to quietness: body, half-thought, countless sand glass that was my living soul..., and my heart – just the sand burning...Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about eternity
Through every moment, I live the endlessness and I merge into it.Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about eternity
The thought and reason reality of - «to be» it discloses as being perfectly fixed Being inherent.Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about love
Only recollections keep us in life the words, eyes and hand – dancing into them, dreaming into them everlasting love – the dust.Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about word
We were, we are and we shall be termless points on the Multiverse’s maps.Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about love
This poem is the inner scenery, in which I`m burning under the time`s colonnades.Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about word
As the life itself cannot be lived into timeless snowfall and beyond absence of mind, not even a single word doesn`t put a price any more than our tenuous touch!Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about love
Did they put into dispute and did they smash over tongue the words, me making saying nothing to myself the unwords.Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about eternity