Quotes by Dumitru Găleşanu, page 3
76 quotes by Dumitru Găleşanu
In the optic amber of the forms of the shadows – on the knowledge territory: rising up asymptotically the destiny of our twin worlds.
Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about love
Doubt remains the most certain act-of learning in-the world, an answer to a question for my thoughtful hand.
Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about infinite
O, tempora!, like a starving animal - history sharpens its milk teeth.
Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about eternity
When sense is the aim in the knowledge of being: the way, what’s the use of the poets without the common sense of the measure?
Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about philosophy
Love had nestled in our souls, facing the opposing emptiness beyond time
Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about infinite
From the point of view of light, nothing can reach its speed, no body in motion, nothing but the light.
Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about light
Into my body, the time – sympathized and shamefaced, still stick up to the memory.
Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about emotions
Nothing is something else but the nature's restness returned to the Oneself, balance moment abiding somewhere into time's aeon fell down in ruins.
Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about eternity
The word did set on as sense of man`s existence – the universe seen through itself.
Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about word
The shadow`s empire it flows togheter with life, the thought is renewing, the God changes his colour – I forever the poem, an endless desire.
Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about infinite
The Relativity is not something abstract, any material`s make-up generates gravitation, which variously distorts the continuousness space-time.
Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about philosophy
Into gravitational reality, the move is the key stom for the understanding of the universe, and not only the space and the time measured in absolute value.
Quote by Dumitru Găleşanu about philosophy