The fight for survival shows us the true face of the...

Definition by Mag. Cornelia Klappacher about fight, survival, purity, soul, heart, time, people, face

The fight for survival shows us the true face of the people our time: that oft the righteous, pure in their heart and that of the grabbing, who have lost their soul.

Mag. Cornelia KlappacherRichtig Richtig
Definition by Mag. Cornelia Klappacher (Richtig Richtig) about fight, survival, purity, soul, heart, time, people, face.
Mag. Cornelia Klappacher (Richtig Richtig)

Mag. Cornelia Klappacher (Richtig Richtig) 1980, sociologics, author

Also known as: Richtig Richtig.
Life period: 1980
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