Literature is a state of culture, poetry is a state of...

Quote by Juan Ramón Jiménez about poetry, culture, state, grace, literature

Literature is a state of culture, poetry is a state of... - Juan Ramón Jiménez, quote about poetry, culture, state, grace, literature

Literature is a state of culture, poetry is a state of grace, before and after culture.

Juan Ramón Jiménez
Quote by Juan Ramón Jiménez about poetry, culture, state, grace, literature.
Juan Ramón Jiménez

Juan Ramón Jiménez 1881 - 1958, spanish writer

Also called: Juan Ramón Jiménez Mantecon.
Was born on: 24 dec 1881.
Died on 29 may 1958, at 76 years old.
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