In the family must master: the love, conception will,...

Quote by Petre Țuțea about family, duty, joy, pleasure, purity, beauty, order, ideal, god, love

In the family must master: the love, conception will, order, consciousness of duty. Not the pleasure, but pure joy, produced by the beauty of ideal.

Between God and my people

Petre ȚuțeaSocrate al românilor
Quote by Petre Țuțea (Socrate al românilor) about family, duty, joy, pleasure, purity, beauty, order, ideal, god, love.
Petre Țuțea (Socrate al românilor)

Petre Țuțea (Socrate al românilor) 1902 - 1991, romanian essayist and philosopher

Also known as: Socrate al românilor.
Was born on: 06 oct 1902.
Died on 03 dec 1991, at 89 years old.
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