A man hit in the face is irreparably humiliated and doen't forget, forgive.Quote by Leonida Neamtu about humility, dream, hope, man, face
I did not realize that mother nature took care of everything, that a pleasure will be replaced by a previous one, in the same way as, beside pleasure, another sorrow comes to replace the previous sorrow. The spheres of infiniteQuote by Leonida Neamtu about nature, sadness, pleasure, infinite, mother
There is something more precious than the treasures, sir! The ways towards treasures.Quote by Leonida Neamtu about treasure, infinite
That lake was a tear of the Earth. The Earth had cried, God knows when, a long, long time ago, and it was ashamed of this, and it had hidden here one of its tears. RightWords translationQuote by Leonida Neamtu about literature, earth, tears, beauty, god, time
The great love stories are sorrowful, due to so many and so many reasons! Either they "are fulfill" or they "are not fulfill". Cheerful are only the ephemeral love sories, when, from the firts moment, you looked at her and both of you have the...Quote by Leonida Neamtu about dream, love, hope, thinking, moment, contentment