I don't believe in pessimism. If something doesn't come up the way you want, forge ahead. If you think it's going to rain, it will.Quote by Clint Eastwood about rain, faith, contentment
I'm interested in the fact that the less secure a man is, the more likely he is to have extreme prejudice.Quote by Clint Eastwood about prejudice, man
It takes tremendous discipline to control the influence, the power you have over other people's lives.Quote by Clint Eastwood about influence, power, people, contentment
My old drama coach used to say, 'Don't just do something, stand there. ' Gary Cooper wasn't afraid to do nothing.Quote by Clint Eastwood about old, olderness, nothing
Respect your efforts, respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self-discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt, that's real power.Quote by Clint Eastwood about respect, self-control, power, real estate, contentment
Sometimes if you want to see a change for the better, you have to take things into your own hands.Quote by Clint Eastwood about change, things, contentment
The less secure a man is, the more likely he is to have extreme prejudice.Quote by Clint Eastwood about prejudice, man
There's only one way to have a happy marriage and as soon as I learn what it is I'll get married again.Quote by Clint Eastwood about marriage, happiness
This film cost $31 million. With that kind of money I could have invaded some country.Quote by Clint Eastwood about country, film, money