Quotes by Brian De Palma
36 quotes by Brian De Palma

And in my case, I just don't think they're much interested in directors anymore. It's all a celebrity business.
Quote by Brian De Palma about opinion, celebrity, affair
And that's what's so inspirational about something like Dionysus. It actually records the moment that it happened. Kind of like a document of the period.
Quote by Brian De Palma about inspiration, moment

And we've become very doubtful of our information sources, because they're all controlled by these huge multilateral corporations.
Quote by Brian De Palma about opinion, companies

But, number one, I think traditional noir doesn't work in contemporary storytelling because we don't live in that world anymore.
Quote by Brian De Palma about numbers, work, world
Godard is incredibly brilliant, the things he says. Apparently here in France, the most interesting thing when a new film of his is going to come out are his press conferences, because he's so brilliant.
Quote by Brian De Palma about mistery, press, things, film

However, I spent most of my time in a Quaker school.
Quote by Brian De Palma about opinion, school, time

However, ironically, I was baptized Presbyterian, and went to a Quaker school for twelve years.
Quote by Brian De Palma about irony, school

I did take a one semester course at NYU in production, but that was the only real film school experience I had.
Quote by Brian De Palma about death, school, experience, film, real estate

I hadn't done just a straight-out comedy in a long time, just letting an ensemble do really good character acting, having them carry the movie as in my earlier pictures.
Quote by Brian De Palma about time, comedy, character, good, good luck

I mean, I don't mind promoting a movie, or talking to the press if it's going to be used in some way.
Quote by Brian De Palma about mind, press, talking

I'm always looking for a kind of new musical entity to sort of move into a motion picture venue.
Quote by Brian De Palma about music

I've been obsessed with this kind of visual storytelling for quite a while, and I try to create material that allows me to explore it.
Quote by Brian De Palma about opinion

I've been sort of traveling around the country for ten years talking about independent features.
Quote by Brian De Palma about country, talking
I've dropped myself into straightforward character pieces in order to explore that form and reap its values. But you are sort of restricted visually when your first requirement is to tell a fairly straightforward story
Quote by Brian De Palma about character, order, contentment

It's always great to discover a new star of tomorrow.
Quote by Brian De Palma about revelation, celebrity