Corita Kent

Biography Corita Kent (1918 - 1986)
American writer and artist
Was born on 20 nov 1918.
Died on 18 sep 1986, at 67 years old.
Origin country United States
Quotes by Corita KentKent was an artist and an educator who worked in Los Angeles and Boston. She worked almost exclusively with silkscreen and serigraphy, helping to establish it as a fine art medium. Her artwork, with its messages of love and peace, was particularly popular during the social upheavals of the 1960s and 1970s.

Love the moment and the energy of that moment will spread...
Quote by Corita Kent about moment, love

Flowers grow out of dark moments.
Quote by Corita Kent about flowers, dark

Life is a succession of moments, to live each one is to...
Quote by Corita Kent about life