Bill Gates

Bill Gates

Biography Bill Gates (1955)

Microsoft founder

Was born on 28 oct 1955.
Origin country United States
Quotes by Bill Gates

American business magnate, philanthropist, the world's third richest man and chairman of Microsoft, the software company he founded with Paul Allen.
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Quotes Bill Gates

Bill Gates

People always fear change. People feared electricity when...

Quote by Bill Gates about ignorance, fear, people, change, time
Bill Gates

Just in terms of allocation of time resources, religion...

Quote by Bill Gates about religion, time
Bill Gates

I do think this next century, hopefully, will be about a...

Quote by Bill Gates about country, world
Bill Gates

If you think your teacher is tough, wait until you get a...

Quote by Bill Gates about heads, teachers

Quotes by Bill Gates, themes

Quotes by Bill Gates about Affair Quotes by Bill Gates about Being Quotes by Bill Gates about Capitalism Quotes by Bill Gates about Cars Quotes by Bill Gates about Chance Quotes by Bill Gates about Change Quotes by Bill Gates about Children Quotes by Bill Gates about City Quotes by Bill Gates about Commerce Quotes by Bill Gates about Communication Quotes by Bill Gates about Computers Quotes by Bill Gates about Country Quotes by Bill Gates about Creativity Quotes by Bill Gates about Day Quotes by Bill Gates about Death Quotes by Bill Gates about Dream Quotes by Bill Gates about End Quotes by Bill Gates about Evolution Quotes by Bill Gates about Example Quotes by Bill Gates about Experience Quotes by Bill Gates about Failure Quotes by Bill Gates about Fear Quotes by Bill Gates about Generosity Quotes by Bill Gates about Good Quotes by Bill Gates about Good luck Quotes by Bill Gates about Greed Quotes by Bill Gates about Heads Quotes by Bill Gates about Help Quotes by Bill Gates about Human imperfections Quotes by Bill Gates about Idea Quotes by Bill Gates about Ideal Quotes by Bill Gates about Ignorance Quotes by Bill Gates about Innovation Quotes by Bill Gates about Intelligence Quotes by Bill Gates about Internet Quotes by Bill Gates about Life Quotes by Bill Gates about Love Quotes by Bill Gates about Mercy Quotes by Bill Gates about Money Quotes by Bill Gates about Nation Quotes by Bill Gates about Need Quotes by Bill Gates about People Quotes by Bill Gates about Press Quotes by Bill Gates about Problems Quotes by Bill Gates about Progress Quotes by Bill Gates about Question Quotes by Bill Gates about Real Estate Quotes by Bill Gates about Reason Quotes by Bill Gates about Religion Quotes by Bill Gates about Rightness Quotes by Bill Gates about Rules Quotes by Bill Gates about Security Quotes by Bill Gates about Society Quotes by Bill Gates about Sun Quotes by Bill Gates about Talking Quotes by Bill Gates about Teachers Quotes by Bill Gates about Technology Quotes by Bill Gates about Television Quotes by Bill Gates about Things Quotes by Bill Gates about Thinking Quotes by Bill Gates about Time Quotes by Bill Gates about Tools Quotes by Bill Gates about Unforeseen Quotes by Bill Gates about Univers Quotes by Bill Gates about Use Quotes by Bill Gates about Wealth Quotes by Bill Gates about World