I like to help women help themselves, as that is, in my opinion, the best way to settle the woman question. Whatever we can do and do well we have a right to, and I don't think any one will deny us.Quote by Louisa May Alcott about opinion
To form another person's opinion, you are its mirror, and to raise a halfway decent human being on this planet is a pretty hard job in this day and age.Quote by Kim Basinger about opinion
You lose your anonymity just like a helium balloon with a string. Therefore people are going to have their own opinion and they're going to write in whatever clever manner they desire.Quote by Kim Basinger about opinion
I believe if a private citizen is able to affect public opinion in a constructive way he doesn't have to be an elected public servant to perform a public service.Quote by Warren Beatty about opinion
And if you can't keep your ego under control, it's going to cost you a lot of money.Quote by Al Alvarez about opinion
I mean being a writer is like being a psychoanalyst, but you don't get any patients.Quote by Al Alvarez about opinion
The fact that we write about it doesn't mean we play better than ordinary players at all.Quote by Al Alvarez about opinion
Character may almost be called the most effective means of persuasion.Quote by Aristotel about opinion
Public opinion is the thermometer a monarch should constantly consult.Quote by Napoleon Bonaparte about opinion
How many times can you reformulate a formula? They send the same things over and over again, two or three times a week.Quote by Armand Assante about opinion
I live a very quiet life, although I'm very urban and a diehard New Yorker.Quote by Armand Assante about opinion
There are other stories about Italians I'd like to tell that have nothing to do with Westerns.Quote by Armand Assante about opinion
A man of eighty has outlived probably three new schools of painting, two of architecture and poetry and a hundred in dress.Quote by George Gordon Byron about opinion
Every day confirms my opinion on the superiority of a vicious life - and if Virtue is not its own reward I don't know any other stipend annexed to it.Quote by George Gordon Byron about opinion