Nothing is more noble, nothing more venerable than fidelity. Faithfulness and truth are the most sacred excellences and endowments of the human mind.Quote by Marcus Tullius Cicero about fidelity
I was 17 and just learning what high fidelity was, what good sound was, and learning the mechanics of tape machines. It was a real education, going right from the consumer end to the record factory.Quote by Alan Parsons about fidelity
You had to constantly have your thinking cap on. I had no social life at the time.Quote by Alan Parsons about fidelity
Fidelity a virtue peculiar to those who are about to be betrayed.Quote by Ambrose Bierce about fidelity
Most men find it difficult to remain true to a single woman, but relatively easy to be true to three or four at the same time.Quote by Georges Courteline about fidelity