Alberto Correia De Lacerda

Alberto Correia De Lacerda

Biography Alberto Correia De Lacerda (1928 - 2007)

Potuguese poet and BBC Radio presenter

Life period: 1928 - 2007
Origin country Portugal
Quotes by Alberto Correia De Lacerda

Volumes of poetry:

77 Poems, 1955
Palace, 1961
Exile, 1963
Selected Poems, 1969
Tauromaquia, 1981
Offering I, 1984
Compliment of London, 1987
Noon, awarded with Prémio Pen Club, 1988
Sonetos, 1991
Offerings II, 1994

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Quotes Alberto Correia De Lacerda

Alberto Correia De Lacerda

Exile and nothing more in its most perfect form: Today...

Quote by Alberto Correia De Lacerda about exile, light, perfection, nothing