I can well conceive a man without hands, feet, head. But I cannot conceive man without thought, he would be a stone or a brute.Quote by Blaise Pascal about opinion
I have made this letter longer than usual, only because I have not had the time to make it shorter.Quote by Blaise Pascal about opinion
Nothing is so intolerable to man as being fully at rest, without a passion, without business, without entertainment, without care.Quote by Blaise Pascal about opinion
The weather and my mood have little connection. I have my foggy and my fine days within me, my prosperity or misfortune has little to do with the matter.Quote by Blaise Pascal about opinion
Too much and too little wine, give him none, he cannot find truth; give him too much, the same.Quote by Blaise Pascal about opinion
Kind words do not cost much, they never blister the tongue or lips. They make other people good-natured. They also produce their own image on men’s souls, and a beautiful image it is.Quote by Blaise Pascal about opinion