The poet

Poems by George Coșbuc about People, Contentment, Heart, Destiny, Soul, Drinking, Things, Man, Hate, Earth

The poet

A soul in the soul of my people am I
And sing of its sorrows and joys,
For mine are your wounds and I cry
Whenever you do, drinking dry
That chalice of poison that's meant for Fate's toys.
Whatever your pathway, together we'll ail,
We'll bear the same cross and we'll feel the same nail;
Your banner and creed will be mine;
The shrine of my hopes I shan't fail
To set by the side your shrine.

A heart of my people's great heart;
I sing of its love and its hate;
The part that you play is the fire's; my part
Is that of the wind; you're mate
In all that's decided by Fate.
You're the source and the aim of whatever I sing
And if at times say a thing
That's not in your Scriptures, you can,
Most holy celestial King,
Lock up with a lightning the mouth of a man.

Some people hold dear and supreme
What's vain in the other men's eye;
But he who can scan both the earth and the sky
And set up a bridge 'tween the low and the high,
Will always distinguish "to be" from "to seem".
My heart is all yours and your heart is in me
Whatever your place on the chart
Of forth-coming ages, whatever they decree,
For you, mine own people, of your soul I will be
For ever and ever a part.
Poems by George Coșbuc about people, contentment, heart, destiny, soul, drinking, things, man, hate, earth.

George Coșbuc 1866 - 1918, romanian poet

Was born on: 20 sep 1866.
Died on 09 may 1918, at 51 years old.

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