George Coșbuc

George Coșbuc

Biography George Coșbuc (1866 - 1918)

Romanian poet

Was born on 20 sep 1866.
Died on 09 may 1918, at 51 years old.
Origin country România
Quotes by George CoșbucPoems by George Coșbuc
wumrlvwz, 04/10/2024


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Quotes George Coșbuc

George Coșbuc

Whatever would be the end of the battle Stay and fight...

Quote by George Coșbuc about fight, end, life, contentment
George Coșbuc

I am the heart in the heart of my people And I am singing...

Quote by George Coșbuc about poetry, heart, purpose, poets, love, people, contentment
George Coșbuc

Life is a fight, so fight With love for it, with longing.

Quote by George Coșbuc about life, fight, longing, love