Poems by George Coșbuc about Things

2 poems by George Coșbuc about things

George Coșbuc Romanian poet

The insolvent debtor

Home walked she from the mill
Her sack was down and she
Could not lift it again.
"May I help? " "What? " "For pay! "
And in the narrow lane
Good girls shouldn't wave away
Such offers and say "nay".
That she agreed was plain.


George CoșbucPoems by George Coșbuc about things

The poet

A soul in the soul of my people am I
And sing of its sorrows and joys,
For mine are your wounds and I cry
Whenever you do, drinking dry
That chalice of poison that's meant for Fate's toys.
Whatever your pathway, together we'll ail,...

George CoșbucPoems by George Coșbuc about things