If you want to gather a lot of knowledge, act as if you are ignorant.Proverbs and old sayings Vietnamese about knowledge
Him with is own knowledge know how to eat from it.Proverbs and old sayings West African about knowledge
Knowledge without wisdom is like water without sand.Proverbs and old sayings West African about knowledge
No one is without knowledge except he who asks no questions.Proverbs and old sayings West African about knowledge
Knowledge is like a garden, if you don't cultivate it you cannot harvest it.Proverbs and old sayings West African about knowledge
With much knowledge there is much sorrow, with much wisdom there is much weeping.Proverbs and old sayings West African about knowledge
Don't be stupid to replace wisdom with knowledge because you will lose understanding.Proverbs and old sayings West African about knowledge
Having little knowledge is like having your hands tied around your neck like a slave.Proverbs and old sayings West African about knowledge
Knowledge is better than wealth, you have to look after wealth, but knowledge looks after you.Proverbs and old sayings West African about knowledge
To be proud of knowledge is to be blind with light.Proverbs and old sayings South American about knowledge