Proverbs and old sayings South American about Old

31 proverbs and old sayings south american about old

Old age is ripeness.

Proverbs and old sayings South American about old

Old shoes wear best.

Proverbs and old sayings South American about old

An old friend wears well.

Proverbs and old sayings South American about old

Old foxes are not easily caught.

Proverbs and old sayings South American about old

No friend is like an old friend.

Proverbs and old sayings South American about old

An old dog will learn no tricks.

Proverbs and old sayings South American about old

Make new friends but keep the old.

Proverbs and old sayings South American about old

The young may die; the old must die.

Proverbs and old sayings South American about old

Beauty and folly are old companions.

Proverbs and old sayings South American about old

An old dog does not bark for nothing.

Proverbs and old sayings South American about old

What a story these old walls could tell.

Proverbs and old sayings South American about old

As the old cock crows, the young cock learns.

Proverbs and old sayings South American about old

Rather than run into debt, wear your old coat.

Proverbs and old sayings South American about old

Manhood is quite a struggle, old age a regret.

Proverbs and old sayings South American about old

Young courage and old caution are a strong pair.

Proverbs and old sayings South American about old

Old brag is a good dog, but hold fast is better.

Proverbs and old sayings South American about old

Old fishermen never die, they just smell that way.

Proverbs and old sayings South American about old

With the old year leave your faults, however dear.

Proverbs and old sayings South American about old

Better an old man's darling than a young man's slave.

Proverbs and old sayings South American about old

A new broom sweeps clean, but an old one scrapes better.

Proverbs and old sayings South American about old