Nikolai Vasilievici Gogol

Nikolai Vasilievici Gogol

Biography Nikolai Vasilievici Gogol (1809 - 1852)

Russian writer

Was born on 19 mar 1809.
Died on 04 mar 1852, at 42 years old.
Origin country Russian Federation
Quotes by Nikolai Vasilievici Gogol

Among his best known works are: The novels Taras Bul'ba (1835) and Dead Souls (1842), the play The Inspector-General (1836, 1842), and the short stories Diary of a Madman, The Nose and The Overcoat (1842). With their scrupulous and scathing realism, ethical criticism as well as philosophical depth, they remain some of the most important works of world literature.
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Quotes Nikolai Vasilievici Gogol

Nikolai Vasilievici Gogol

Whatever you may say, the body depends on the soul.

Quote by Nikolai Vasilievici Gogol about suffering, body, soul, contentment
Nikolai Vasilievici Gogol

Countless as the sands of the sea are human passions.

Quote by Nikolai Vasilievici Gogol about pasion, human imperfections
Nikolai Vasilievici Gogol

Always think of what is useful and not what is beautiful....

Quote by Nikolai Vasilievici Gogol about beauty
Nikolai Vasilievici Gogol

You can't imagine how stupid the whole world has grown...

Quote by Nikolai Vasilievici Gogol about world, contentment