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Proverbs and old sayings Scottish
Proverbs and old sayings Scottish about Good luck
Proverbs and old sayings Scottish about Good luck
70 proverbs and old sayings scottish about good luck
Pith's good in a play.
Proverbs and old sayings
Scottish about
good luck
Hunger is good Kitchen.
Proverbs and old sayings
Scottish about
good luck
Good watch prevents harm.
Proverbs and old sayings
Scottish about
good luck
What's waur than ill luck.
Proverbs and old sayings
Scottish about
good luck
A' things are good untry'd.
Proverbs and old sayings
Scottish about
good luck
Do not throw aside good hay.
Proverbs and old sayings
Scottish about
good luck
They are good that are away.
Proverbs and old sayings
Scottish about
good luck
Play's good while it is play.
Proverbs and old sayings
Scottish about
good luck
Ae good turn deserves anither.
Proverbs and old sayings
Scottish about
good luck
Ane never tines by doing good.
Proverbs and old sayings
Scottish about
good luck
Good-ware make a quick market.
Proverbs and old sayings
Scottish about
good luck
Give o'er when the plays good.
Proverbs and old sayings
Scottish about
good luck
Mony good nights is laith away.
Proverbs and old sayings
Scottish about
good luck
Draff's good enough for swine'.
Proverbs and old sayings
Scottish about
good luck
Credit is better than ill luck.
Proverbs and old sayings
Scottish about
good luck
Thole well is good for burning.
Proverbs and old sayings
Scottish about
good luck
A good cow may hae an ill calf.
Proverbs and old sayings
Scottish about
good luck
Mair by luck than good guiding.
Proverbs and old sayings
Scottish about
good luck
It is good to be sib to siller.
Proverbs and old sayings
Scottish about
good luck
Give o'er when the play's good.
Proverbs and old sayings
Scottish about
good luck
Christmas carols
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It Came Upon A Midnight Clear
Little Drummer Boy: Come they told me pa rum pum pum pum...
It's the most wonderful time of the year: It's the most...
I'll Be Home For Christmas: I'll be home for Christmas...
Top Carols:
O little town of bethlehem: O little town of Bethlehem,...
What child is this: What Child is this, Who laid to rest...
Good king wenceslas: Good King Wenceslas looked out On...
O come all ye faithful: O come all ye faithful Joyful and...
Random Carols:
I heard the bells on Christmas day I heard the bells on...
What child is this: What Child is this, Who laid to rest...
Here Is Joy For Every Age Here is joy for every age,...
The Wassail Song Here we come a-wassailing Among the...
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Happiness is to hold flowers in both hands.
Proverbs and old sayings
There are 3 simple rules in life: - don't promise when...
Proverbs and old sayings
Man's law changes with his understanding of man. Only the...
Proverbs and old sayings
Who came back from the grave and told the story?
Proverbs and old sayings
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O little town of bethlehem: O little town of Bethlehem,...
Traditional Irish Curse
Spells and incantations
Traditional Wexford Curse
Spells and incantations
What grows when it eats, but dies when it drinks? Fire.
Random folklore
In a shut mouth, no fly will go in.
Proverbs and old sayings
Fourty Two is the answer.
Proverbs and old sayings
It is difficult to tie an unborn horse to the manger.
Proverbs and old sayings
When you are shopping for a cow, make sure that the price...
Proverbs and old sayings