Proverbs and old sayings Latin about Art

8 proverbs and old sayings latin about art

Art has no enemy except ignorance.

Proverbs and old sayings Latin about art

Fortune and the arts assist each other.

Proverbs and old sayings Latin about art

Nature without an effort surpasses art.

Proverbs and old sayings Latin about art

Where art is displayed truth does not appear.

Proverbs and old sayings Latin about art

To whiten ivory with dye is to spoil nature by art.

Proverbs and old sayings Latin about art

Without favour, art is like a windmill without wind.

Proverbs and old sayings Latin about art

It is the perfection of art when no trace of the artist appears.

Proverbs and old sayings Latin about art

A well which is drawn from is improved. [Art is improved by practice. ]

Proverbs and old sayings Latin about art