Lewis Carroll

Lewis Carroll

Biography Lewis Carroll (1832 - 1898)

English writer

Also called: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson.
Was born on 27 jan 1832.
Died on 14 jan 1898, at 65 years old.
Origin country United Kingdom
Quotes by Lewis Carroll

Charles Lutwidge Dodgson better known by the pen name Lewis Carroll was an English author, mathematician, logician, Anglican and photographer.
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Quotes Lewis Carroll

Lewis Carroll

If everybody minded their own business, the world would...

Quote by Lewis Carroll about opinion, affair, world
Lewis Carroll

Oh, it's love, it's love that makes the world go round.

Quote by Lewis Carroll about love, world
Lewis Carroll

I can't go back to yesterday - because I was a different...

Quote by Lewis Carroll about people
Lewis Carroll

Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the...

Quote by Lewis Carroll about destiny, beginning, end, contentment