Leo Tolstoy
Biography Leo Tolstoy (1828 - 1910)
Russian writer
Also called: Lev Nikolaevici Tolstoi.
Was born on 09 sep 1828.
Died on 20 nov 1910, at 82 years old.
Origin country Russian Federation
Quotes by Leo TolstoyLev Tolstoy Nicolai has been considered one of the classics of Russian literature. His work is included in the literary creation period known as the golden age of Russian literature. His works War and Peace and Anna Karenina have created a new direction in the development of global novel, his literary and philosophical principles are known in the literary world as the "tolstoism".
All the variety, all the delight, all the beauty of life...
Quote by Lev Nicolai Tolstoi about life
The child recognizes his mother by her smile
Quote by Lev Nicolai Tolstoi about mother
In that unique moment, I was embracing the entire world...
Quote by Lev Nicolai Tolstoi about love, moment, world
There is no greatness where there is no simplicity,...
Quote by Lev Nicolai Tolstoi about greatness, simplicity, truth