Hugo Claus (Dorothea van Male)

Hugo Claus

Biography Hugo Claus (1929 - 2008)

Novelist, poet, playwright, painter and film director

Also known as: Dorothea van Male.
Was born on 05 apr 1929.
Died on 19 mar 2008, at 78 years old.
Origin country Belgium
Quotes by Hugo Claus
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Quotes Hugo Claus

Hugo Claus

In spring they lie flat at the first warmth, they ruin my...

Quote by Hugo Claus about literature, autumn, spring, lie
Hugo Claus

Go now, verses, on your light feet, you have not trodden...

Quote by Hugo Claus about poetry, earth, light, old, olderness
Hugo Claus

My verses stand gawping a bit. I never get used to this....

Quote by Hugo Claus about poetry