James Thomson

James Thomson

Biography James Thomson (1700 - 1748)

Scottish playwrighter and poet

Was born on 11 sep 1700.
Died on 27 aug 1748, at 47 years old.
Origin country United Kingdom
Quotes by James Thomson

Known worldwide for his masterpiece The Seasons.
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Quotes James Thomson

James Thomson

But who can paint like Nature? Can imagination boast,...

Quote by James Thomson about nature, creation, imagination
James Thomson

Peace is the happy natural state of man; war is...

Quote by James Thomson about peace, corruption, state, happiness, war, man
James Thomson

Ingratitude is treason to mankind.

Quote by James Thomson about opinion, ingratitude, treason
James Thomson

For life is but a dream whose shapes return, some...

Quote by James Thomson about life, dream, night, day