In an ideal world we could correct the space and time after the beats of the heart, but in our world we can only listen in silence as they beat without us.Quote by Marius Torok about silence
A beautiful eye makes the silence eloquent, a benevolent eye transforms the contradiction into a gracious consent, an angry eye deforms the beauty. These small organs give life to every part of our being.Quote by Joseph Addison about silence
We believe... that the applause of silence is the only kind that counts.Quote by Alfred Jarry about silence
What can I say to please you? All that I said, had already written before... So I better keep my silence.Quote by Corneliu Vadim Tudor about silence
The language of silence is spoken by everyone on the planet; you just need to be patient until you will fully master it!Quote by Maria Pal about silence
In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.Quote by Martin Luther King Jr. about silence