Forgetten / in a corner / on the table layes the unclear verse / in a file of light / like a patient in a freezing cold.Quote by Maria Pal about poetry, light
Love is like the sand in the desert, you have to wait for it to settles in order to discern the path.Quote by Maria Pal about order, love, contentment
Forgetting is taught by the most experienced professor, the old man!Quote by Maria Pal about forgetness, old, olderness, man
In the event you get lost in reality, think that you play a wrong role in the scenario of life.Quote by Maria Pal about events, reality, bad, contentment, life
Stop sending tears to heaven; remember: angels never cry!Quote by Maria Pal about recollection, angels, tears
You learn to walk the first year of your life, but then you spend a whole life walking a road that does not please you.Quote by Maria Pal about teaching, life, contentment
Although things are never what they seem to be, this mistery is the machinery that gets in motion the most precious gift - imagination!Quote by Maria Pal about mistery, gifts, imagination, things
If you climb a mountain with faith in something and when you return you realize you have lost that faith, do not despair; it means that it just was not worth it!Quote by Maria Pal about faith, despair, contentment
The men you conquer with thoughts, struggle and emotion are a lot more precious than those conquered only by looks...Quote by Maria Pal about prestige, emotions, fight, man, contentment
Do not try to live several days at once, but enjoy day after day and cherish every single moment; you will be rewarded in unexpected ways!Quote by Maria Pal about reward, day, unforeseen, moment, contentment
The more mistakes you gather in life, the more branched out scharp the shadows they will throw over your future.Quote by Maria Pal about mistake, future, life, contentment
To some people, having faith in something is an obstacle - ignoring the fact that it might have the complexity and excitement of the universe.Quote by Maria Pal about attitude, complexity, obstacles, faith, people
Rather than running to do something, it is wiser to walk; this way you will have time to choose the right way.Quote by Maria Pal about advice, rightness, time, contentment
Everyone's mind is a large territory; the difference is made only by the fact that it might be either celestial or evil.Quote by Maria Pal about meditation, mind
To turn a moron into a scholar, one needs great faith; to turn a scholar into a moron, disillusion suffices...Quote by Maria Pal about attitude, faith
It is said that everyone is in debt with a death, but people prefer to pay interest a long time for that debt, rather ever make the payment!Quote by Maria Pal about duty, interest, death, time, people
The language of silence is spoken by everyone on the planet; you just need to be patient until you will fully master it!Quote by Maria Pal about silence, language, need, contentment
When you get to touch the light, you realize that this is the kind of knowledge you have been chasing your entire life without knowing it...Quote by Maria Pal about light, knowledge, contentment, life
The greatest obstacle in someone's life is having the option of fulfilling a wish or not, because one never knews which choice can lead to misfortune.Quote by Maria Pal about wish, obstacles, life
Envy, hatred are very dangerous diseases that have only one antidote - you, but you have to administer it yourself before it's too late!Quote by Maria Pal about malady, envy, contentment