It's a shame that the only thing a man can do for eight hours a day is work. He can't eat for eight hours; he can't drink for eight hours; he can't make love for eight hours. The only thing a man can do for eight hours is work.Quote by William Faulkner about shame
I used to look in the mirror and feel shame, I look in the mirror now and I absolutely love myself.Quote by Drew Barrymore about shame
Girls blush, sometimes, because they are alive, half wishing they were dead to save the shame. The sudden blush devours them, neck and brow; They have drawn too near the fire of life, like gnats, and flare up bodily, wings and all. What then?...Quote by Elizabeth Barrett Browning about shame
When you go to areas that have poverty of that level, you're ready to feel shocked and some degree of shame, coming in as a rich westerner.Quote by Ralph Fiennes about shame
You've got to vote for someone. It's a shame, but it's got to be done.Quote by Whoopi Goldberg about shame
There was a bit of a comparison that Bret was making between Vince McMahon and my dad. He looked up to Vince as a dad and stuff, and it was a shame to see the whole thing end the way it did.Quote by Owen Hart about shame
It was a real shame that the technology wasn't up to the creation that was going on with quad. It just wasn't reaching the consumer in the right way.Quote by Alan Parsons about shame
Crimes of which a people is ashamed constitute its real history. The shame is true of man.Quote by Jean Genet about shame
The glory of my name increases my shame. Less known by mortals, I could better escape their eyes.Quote by Jean Racine about shame
Virtue alone is free. Honor of our history, Our immortal shame we live beside your glory.Quote by Joseph Chénier about shame
Luckless is the country in which the symbols of procreation are the objects of shame, while the agents of destruction are honored! And yet you call that member your pudendum, or shameful part, as if there were anything more glorious than creating...Quote by Hector Savinien de Cyrano de Bergerac about shame
Truth is the daughter of time, and I feel no shame in being her midwife.Quote by Johannes Kepler about shame
From infancy on, we are all spies; the shame is not this but that the secrets to be discovered are so paltry and few.Quote by John Updike about shame
Love can never be a mystery or a shame. It is made to be naughty, to be bold. to be ugly and beautiful, to be or not to be hidden nowhere and never. RightWords TranslationQuote by Mihai Tatulici about shame
You can't shame or humiliate modern celebrities. What used to be called shame and humiliation is now called publicity.Quote by Patrick Jake O'Rourke about shame