In the Western standards of modesty, there are different guidelines.Quote by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar about modesty
A just and reasonable modesty does not only recommend eloquence, but sets off every great talent which a man can be possessed of.Quote by Joseph Addison about modesty
No sex, age, or condition is above or below the absolute necessity of modesty; but without it one vastly beneath the rank of man.Quote by Bruce Barton about modesty
Conceit spoils the finest genius. There is not much danger that real talent or goodness will be overlooked long; even if it is, the consciousness of possessing and using it well should satisfy one, and the great charm of all power is modesty.Quote by Louisa May Alcott about modesty
People do more important jobs than acting in film that should be recognised, but for some reason it's big money, so people are elevated in status. If I was a bus driver, I'm sure you wouldn't be interviewing me.Quote by Adam Garcia about modesty
Sincerity is not a spontaneous flower nor is modesty either.Quote by Sidonie - Gabrielle Colette about modesty
Some are blessed with musical ability, others with good looks. Myself, I was blessed with modesty.Quote by Roger Moore about modesty
At least I have the modesty to admit that lack of modesty is one of my failings.Quote by Hector Berlioz about modesty