Democracy is the process by which people choose the man who'll get the blame.Quote by Bertrand Russell about man
Love is something far more than desire for sexual intercourse it is the principal means of escape from the loneliness which afflicts most men and women throughout the greater part of their lives.Quote by Bertrand Russell about man
Man is a credulous animal, and must believe something; in the absence of good grounds for belief, he will be satisfied with bad ones.Quote by Bertrand Russell about man
What's money? A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do.Quote by Bob Dylan about man
I lived a really wonderful life with this man and even after our divorce, it was incredible.Quote by Priscilla Presley about man
Man's life is Knowledge and that's all. If the Man didn't knew Life, he didn't exist.Quote by Sorin Cerin about man
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with kings--nor lose the common touch, If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you; If all men count with you, but none too much, If you can fill the unforgiving minute With...Quote by Rudyard Kipling about man
I was born on Google and I've learnt to visit the men's houses with the look.Quote by Ionuț Caragea about man
To love the entire life a man or a woman means to pretend thatthe flame of the ame candle can burn the entire life.Quote by Lev Nicolai Tolstoi about man
There is not a more repulsive spectacle than on old man who will not forsake the world, which has already forsaken him.Quote by Thomas Stearns Eliot about man
A man's moral conscience is the curse he had to accept from the gods in order to gain from them the right to dream.Quote by William Faulkner about man
Hollywood is a place where a man can get stabbed in the back while climbing a ladder.Quote by William Faulkner about man
Man performs and engenders so much more than he can or should have to bear. That's how he finds that he can bear anything.Quote by William Faulkner about man
The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.Quote by William Faulkner about man