Expectation I'm in an expectation Only the children are...

Quote by Andrei Novac about expectation, children, clothes, sky, purity, day, life


I'm in an expectation
Only the children are passing near it
playing slowly with everything
existing around them
from buildings ready to collapse
to the most pure form
of some streets surrended to wind
every day.
They are free,
they have clean palms and mouth
are speaking loudly one to another
their clothes are so colorful
that every beat of wings
cast into the sky tones.
I am in an expectation
Only the children are passing near me
carring on their life.

RightWords Translation

Andrei Novac
Quote by Andrei Novac about expectation, children, clothes, sky, purity, day, life.
Andrei Novac

Andrei Novac 1983, romanian poet

Life period: 1983
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